Bragi Ingibergsson - BRIN

Free Account, Hafnarfjordur

Sobre mi

Bragi J. Ingibergsson = BRIN
is an amateur photographer, born in Iceland 1961.
Photography has been his favorite hobby for a very long time,
he got his first camera 12 years old and has been taking photos ever since.
Bragi travels a lot which fits well with his love for nature and landscape photography.
His photos have been published far and wide and have won prizes in many international photo contests.

Comentarios 24

  • Andreas Pfanner 20/12/2017 21:11

    Its a pleasure to watch your impressive photos. Excellent scenes shown in a perfect preparation.
  • bijane 27/03/2017 19:27

    thank you very much, also thanks for your praise for my foto. lg bijane
    yellow dreaming
    yellow dreaming
  • luciluc 27/03/2017 10:36

    Grazie molte per l'attenzione ...complimenti per la straordinaria galleria. Ciao Luciana
  • SINA 26/03/2017 11:18

    THANK You VERY much
    Bodensee Impressionen oder der Himmel ist wohl gesonnen
    Bodensee Impressionen oder der Himmel ist wohl gesonnen

    Nice Sunday for you
    Best regards Sina
  • YVES Lr 25/03/2017 18:15

    Thanks for your comments on two of my pictures. I am very honored because I discovered your gallery today and stayed almost breathless admiring its beauty.
  • Ana Arnau 24/03/2017 14:56

    Thank you very much for your kind comment to my photo "The Holy shadow", Bragi. Best regards.
  • Xenia Ivanoff-Erb 24/03/2017 9:14

    Hi Bragi, I really like your work, your photographs are unique. I love that you see and capture the natural design in your subjects, it is what I always try to achieve in my own work. Each picture I look at evokes an emotion, thank you for sharing your work ... I am very grateful you took the time to view my profile and liked some of my work. I am going to follow your work with much interest in the future.
  • sawsengee 24/03/2017 6:06

    You are a gifted photographer mastering the elements of light, colours & visual angles.
  • Glenn Capers 11/03/2017 10:12

    Hey my good friend. So nice to see you here. I hope we meet up again and do lunch, and laugh.
  • Manu T. 06/03/2017 18:21

    There are awesome pictures from iceland in your gallery We were in Iceland 2011 in may when Grímsvötn erupted. :-)
  • Sanny.B. 10/10/2016 11:16

    Wundervolle Fotografien :-)
    Grüße aus dem Oldenburger Münsterland
  • Monasophie13 19/11/2015 23:57

    deine Fotos sind der Hammer, ich bin total begeistert!
    Gruß, Ramona.
  • braxon 23/12/2014 22:28

    Peu de photos mais de la qualité,
    enfin quelqu'un qui a compris, qu'il fallait faire le ménage dans sa galerie et que la poubelle ce n'est pas que pour les chiens! je rigole of course.
  • GulliVals 22/12/2014 0:09

    Virkilega fallegar myndir Bragi !
  • SylvainM 25/04/2014 14:45

    Sublime galerie.

    Bonne continuation
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  • Fotógrafo (Avanzado)


Canon EOS-5D Mark III
Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM II
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM II