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Sobre mi

I love photography since I was a kid. I looked at my father's trips photos and O felt that I wanted to be there too. It made me travel without moving from my bedroom. I understood that photography had something magical in it and I started being more and more interested about how it worked.
I studied photography and made thousands of argentic pictures with my father's old camera.
Since then I have never stopped shooting everything that was beautiful or out of normal.
My idea then was to become a national geographic magazine graphic reporter and travel the world shooting the most beautiful places in the world so everyone could travel without moving from their living room.
I like doing all kind of photography at any time with any kind of camera or support. I hope you can travel and dream with my work as it would mean I have reached my all times dream....
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Recibidos / Dado


  • Fotógrafo (Profesional)
  • Editor de imágenes/Diseñador