Regis Eye On Nature

Free Account, Roeselare

Sobre mi

I am a wildlife and landscape photographer based in Belgium, born with a passion for nature since childhood.

My profession has its roots in aquaculture : marine fish, corals and tropical fish including its interaction and biodiversity.

To stay updated I need to travel quite often, this gives me the opportunity to be in the tropical part of the globe.

My camera gives me the feeling of total freedom, and once surrounded by nature, inspiration comes easy with its creativity, while still learning all of the aspects nature offers.

It also learned me to understand the behavior of the animals, requiring patience and a good dose of luck.

Through these experiences, I have gained a vast understanding of many animals, birds, insects, resulting in a great benefit while photographing them in all its forms, from tender to cruel, uncomplicated and straight, trying to survive...

Let us respect and enjoy nature in all its beauty while we still can.

The photographs on this website portray my passion for nature, in a way that is both creative and natural.

Comentarios 12

  • Regis Eye On Nature 14/01/2022 17:21

    Anna Maria , I hope I will still continue to surprise you and other viewers with exiting and good images of the beauty of our planet.  Wildlife and their related behavior included expressions is what I look for, thanks for following
  • art-and-cultur 14/01/2022 17:13

    Traumhaft schöne Bilder in Deiner Galerie. Ich folge Dir gerne und bin gespannt, was noch kommt.
    LG Anna Maria
  • gracegoode99 02/04/2021 22:21

    Wie geht es dir?
    Ich möchte, dass Sie mir in meiner E-Mail schreiben (

    Vielen Dank
  • Dirk Schme 05/03/2021 18:42

    Deine Bilder sind einfach fantastisch und berühren mich.
    Ich werde sie mir mal ganz in Ruhe ansehen und folge Dir mal .
    Viele Grüsse Dirk
  • Kilian Brügger 02/07/2020 17:54

    Wundervolle Fotos zeigst du hier, die mich sehr ansprechen.
    Bin gespannt auf weitere Bilder.
    Viele Grüsse Kilian
  • dwight utz 20/06/2020 20:09

    Beautiful work!  Well beyond my capabilities!
  • wame 15 14/04/2020 18:57

    Ein Traum an Portfolio. Hier schaue ich gerne öfters vorbei.
  • Sesostris 24/11/2019 21:59

    Great pictures, Fantastic colors. I like the style very much. Great class   best regards steffen
  • lenaguphotography 21/11/2019 14:54

    Your work is breathtaking!
  • vitagraf 21/12/2013 17:05

    Great photos with passion.
  • Heinz Koch (Heini) 13/12/2013 18:04

    Thanks for the visit & comment.
    All the best
  • Adele D. Oliver 06/11/2013 0:53

    Hello and a warm welcome to our big international and crazy world of photography at I hope you will enjoy posting your photos and seeing the images of other members. I wish you fun and lots of interaction with others !!!
    greetings from Vancouver, Canada ....
    Manager Nature Channel
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