Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
music composer / komponist
I feel happy to meet so many friends and like-minded persons in this site!!!
I feel happy to meet so many friends and like-minded persons in this site!!!
Jutta Ploessner 20/03/2012 2:42
Hello Sergei, I'm happy too to have met you at Fotocommunity! I love your music. And I'm flattered that you used my photo "not a poodle" in your beautiful music video!All the best to you,
Jutta from Edgewood, British Columbia.
Selma von Bytomski 13/01/2012 0:09
Ich wünsche Dir ein fantastisches Jahr 2012 !
Liebe Grüsse selma
Sergei Dmitriev Viluman 28/04/2011 16:33
Dear friends!Please watch my new music video "Intermezzo di meditazione", where many photos of mine are used. It is shot in Russia... My biography in pictures...
viola d 25/02/2011 8:58
Thank you. Bw, ViolaVera M. Shulga 20/02/2011 7:27
Spasibo,Sergej,za vash horoshij kommentarij! Spasibo za musyku.Horoshij poluchilsia tandem iz washej muzyki i fotografij Laszlo.Wdohnovenija i nowyh proizvedenij!
CsomorLászló 02/02/2011 15:19
Thank you!
CsomorLászló 31/01/2011 15:24
I have changed...
your Lászlo
Selma von Bytomski 02/01/2011 18:37
Hey Sergei,ich wünsche Dir ein frohes, erfolgreiches
und glückliches Neues Jahr !
Liebe Grüsse selma
Selma von Bytomski 21/10/2010 22:29
Hey Sergei,Danke, ich habe mich gefreut !
Eine Antwort bekommst Du noch
auf die Mail .
LG selma
Spotty1 30/08/2010 21:17
Hello Sergei,Many thanks for the very nice remark.
Greets, Spotty ;-)
CsomorLászló 29/08/2010 20:24
Hi Sergei, I'm very glad that you like my pictures.I'd be very pleased if you could compose music to my pictures...greets
Agnieszka Smogorzewska 27/08/2010 14:29
Hejsan, Sergei, where are Your NEW photos...? ;-)Agnieszka Smogorzewska 28/06/2010 11:31
Hej, Siergiej!Ett stort tack för Din vänliga kommentar till mitt foto. Tyvärr är jag ingen vidare fotograf, men försöker göra mitt bästa... ;-)
Nobbi N. 11/06/2010 22:31
Hallo Sergei,nice to see you in the fc and thanks for your mail to me.
Wellcome in the circus of the photoclowns inside.
This is a great, big portal for us photografs and we have a lot of fun hear.
I wish you all time good light and fun in the fc.
Best regard!!!!
Nobbi (from germany)
Selma von Bytomski 03/06/2010 16:02
Hey Sergei,danke für Deine Mail .
Werde sie noch beantworten .
LG selma