
Free Account, Sydney

Sobre mi

Hello! I am an Australian artist and photographer specializing in the Arabian horse for 15 years now, with no plans to hang up my pencils or camera- ever!

I have also started my photo-journalism career, with soon to be sixth article published in an international Arabian horse magazine. It is a dream and goal of mine to be able to combine my passions of writing and photography- and even my art, (I got the incredible opportunity to draw "Gazal Al Shaqab" in an original artwork and write an article too)!

I owe my journey so far and my promising future to the Arabian horse; without them, my life would be empty; uncreative and oh-so dull!

Please visit my websites to see more of my artistry:

Thanks for your interest and kind comments on my art. I love to chat with other artists/photographers- especially those who's life is complete with the Arabian horse as their inspiration!


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