Suzan Horne

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Sobre mi

I am an amature photographer who is driven to photograph particular moments as I wander through my life. A vizual journey of sorts, where I attempt to capture the beauty of simplicity and innocence as it occurs along my path of bewilderment and experience.

Comentarios 2

  • When 31/08/2005 6:52

    Hi Suzan,

    Welcome to FC. Have a good time.

  • John Moore 19/07/2005 10:29

    Greetings and salutations Suzan!!
    Welcome to FC.
    It great to have you on board.
    You mentioned your visual starvation.
    Well hope on a plane to Oz, we have plenty
    for you to click away at.
    Love your wonderful profile photo.
    I have a flower for you.
    Best wishes from Austraila.

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