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  • RoeSo 17/08/2020 15:57

    Maybe you can try once the industry buildings , they can be very interesting too , maybe you can stand on an other spot .. it’s just an idea :)
  • Hansjörg - 17/08/2020 17:19

    I will look for a new place. I have already something in mind but have to verify the the place is open. I will look for "Schloß Cappenberg": or

    There is a tower which one could climb some years ago. It was not for free but not to expensive. I just have to verify that they didn't close it (Covid 19 or financial reasons). And to go there is demanding because it is situated on a hill - I don't want to call it a mountain. But with a bike it is a long way up to the top of the hill. It is pretty steep. And I have no car.
  • RoeSo 17/08/2020 18:20

    its a beautiful setting the castle i mean  and its the climb worth i think ,   and hopfully  the tower is open  ,i bet one can shoot amazing photo's from there .. good luck  :)
  • Hansjörg - 17/08/2020 18:33

    Well "to climb" is the wrong way to express it. It gives a wrong idea. I am going by mountain bike and for a bike it is pretty steep. I think the street signs says it is 8 percent. But I have to check, it might be more. It is a long way and I need the bike since it might be 5km away from my home. I am not having a car - so no alternative.

    That is the view which I had in 2004:

    The quality is not so good but it is 16 years ago with a much more simple camera.