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  • FA_3G_plus_0 16/03/2023 16:44

    Guys, think about a fact.... I was 11 years old in 1983  and I thought that at 16 Christoper Lambert would pick me up ,on his white horse and take me to immortal lands and instead he married Sophie Merceau... Men with no sense of taste!
  • Klacky 16/03/2023 16:52

  • FA_3G_plus_0 16/03/2023 16:59

    And what language is this? Bavarian dialect?
  • Manfred Ludwig 16/03/2023 18:20

    Hi, I'm here again. After reading such special philosophy the last days about aliens and human life and Stefania's question whether we are real or not, I had to reconsider the last hours. Today sun is shining and when I was outside I could see a clear shadow of myself. Suddenly I had an idea: is it possible that I live in my shadow and the body is an alien? I thought and thought about that and didn't find a resolution. Then I started to talk with my shadow but he didn't answer. Suddenly I noticed people looking astonished at me like seeing an alien. Am I an alien or what and why? Or do I live in a dream? Questions over questions and now I ask myself, do I even exist or what else and why. Who can  give an answer? Einstein? But he isn't alive. Or does he live in his reality now and watches what  crazy people like me and Stefania and Klacky is doing all over the day? Now I,ll go outside again meeting my shadow....