Sandra Eichhorn 17/07/2010 3:03
wow *fernweh bekomm* super schöööön!!lg sandra
chris.1 15/07/2010 7:41
Ein wunderbares Foto!lg christiane
Lucy F. 12/07/2010 9:44
Wonderful picture, fantastic colours. Greetings Lucy F.Chris Kieffer 10/07/2010 15:01
+++X-X-X-X-0 10/07/2010 6:46
yes! GREAT PICgenofeva 10/07/2010 1:02
Excellent! But what about old Spanish windmills in the background instead of steel? ;-)Frank Seifert 09/07/2010 7:37
† Sabine Suess 08/07/2010 20:15
Fantastic atmosphere. The light is fantastic.Greetings
Alexa frost 08/07/2010 6:17
Amazing !!Alexa Frost
Agapy 07/07/2010 20:21
Excellent and wonderful picture.Regards Roswitha
MadlensFotografie80 07/07/2010 13:11
WOWgruß madlen
Fabio Sguazzin 07/07/2010 8:33
ottima superba +++++++++++++++++++++++Michael Freisen 07/07/2010 7:16
what a fantastic mood. +++greetings michael
Eva Mondkind 06/07/2010 23:06
Love it!!1Engelchen 06/07/2010 21:05
Wow, great!!!Lg Engelchen