Tom McAlexander 10/08/2007 8:18
I'm not really into sunrise/sunset pictures...seen too many of them...but this is special!!!Aloha
CsomorLászló 10/08/2007 6:15
Wonderful!Vesela Maleeva 09/08/2007 23:14
aw masry 09/08/2007 21:15
Nice silhouette !!! Really nice tone. Feel the atmosphere.Best Regards - aw masry
Gerryj 09/08/2007 20:57
Really serene and beautiful! Great colors.Luc Grollie 09/08/2007 20:02
getting up at 05.00' while you're on holidays.......real natureman !!!!!!worth getting up for Michel .....
Lawson McCulloch 09/08/2007 19:58
A really beautiful wishes from Lawson.
Pascal Viyer 09/08/2007 19:12
admirable jeu d'ombresp^v