Dear Alvin and asterisks hello!
I wish you both a Merry Christmas and a smooth glide over the New Year 2012
Thank you for everything especially to tell your wife that makes me think she is crazy umwerfend.Sternchen you gave me your pictures of this year with much joy.
I wish you both good health and a little luck because we are modest.
Hope I wrote it in English properly, otherwise sorry.
I love you both.
Your friend pit
v2 PHOTOGRAPHER 31/12/2011 14:16
ein TOP 2012 für Euch!!das wünscht euch
Rumtreibär 31/12/2011 10:38
Ein neues Jahr ein neues Glück,
das alte Jahr kehrt nicht zurück.
VLG aus Berlin sendet Dieter
Max Giorgetta 31/12/2011 10:29
Thank you.Real words, money is not everything, family and health are the important things in life.
Happy new year.
Jepessen 30/12/2011 22:24
Auch ich wünsche Euch einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und weiterhin ein gutes Händchen für neue Bilder LG ArnulfJ.A.K. 30/12/2011 15:25
Hi Alvin,ich wünsche dir und Single A ebenfalls einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2012.
LG, Arie
Andrea Lattuca 29/12/2011 9:46
Grazie per il tuo splendido commento.
fabrizio bertini 25/12/2011 7:27
grazie 1000ciao fabrizio
buon natale
P. v. A. 24/12/2011 20:21
Hallo Alvin,danke für die netten Anmerkungen zu meinen Fotos!
Ich wünsche Euch ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute für das Neue Jahr!
LG Peter
Roberto L. 24/12/2011 0:14
Hi, my friends! Thanks for your visit, and a happy 2012!!!Roby
Ayrton08 23/12/2011 21:52
Grazie Alvin e ne approfitto per augurarti buon Natale!Marco.
Art light photography by p.D. 23/12/2011 19:07
Dear Alvin and asterisks hello!I wish you both a Merry Christmas and a smooth glide over the New Year 2012
Thank you for everything especially to tell your wife that makes me think she is crazy umwerfend.Sternchen you gave me your pictures of this year with much joy.
I wish you both good health and a little luck because we are modest.
Hope I wrote it in English properly, otherwise sorry.
I love you both.
Your friend pit
Andrea Lattuca 21/12/2011 17:17
Grazie per il commento.
eicblicker 21/12/2011 10:31
Hallo Alvin ,Vielen Dank, für Dein Interesse an meinen Bildern.
Ich wünsche Euch ein frohes Fest :-).
Lg, micha
Alfredo Yanez 21/12/2011 7:11
Felices fiestas y Próspero año 2012!!!Saludos y buena Luz!*
P. v. A. 19/12/2011 7:03
Danke für die nette Anmerkung!LG Peter