Inez Correia Marques 14/07/2013 22:52
you are back at fc . i hope you are oknice to see you again
Tad Kanazaki 30/12/2012 1:58
Ralf Zeeh 23/12/2012 12:54
Ein frohes und besinnliches Weihnachten.Ralf
Emanuela Villa 04/04/2012 15:01
Dear Mike,
I have been away from FC for a while, and as I was managing my account today it has occurred to me I have NEVER thanked you for your beautiful comments.
I am so sorry about it and I hope you will accept my apologies.
Ciao from Italy
Ralf Zeeh 21/04/2011 19:37
Frohe OsternHappy Easter
Buona Pasqua
Feliz Semana Santa
Joyeuses Pâques
Ciao Ralf
Tad Kanazaki 02/01/2011 3:09
Fons van Swaal 01/01/2011 12:02
Fons van Swaal 18/12/2010 13:23
Tad Kanazaki 14/12/2010 5:09
Canan Oner 12/12/2010 23:17
Natur RB 14/02/2010 14:26
very nice photos. Reinhardfc-foto:20124157]
Fons van Swaal 29/12/2009 15:21
I Strawfish I 24/12/2009 17:03
Merry Christmas!Maria João Arcanjo 20/12/2009 21:53
Merry Christmas and all the best in 2010Beijinhos
Fons van Swaal 16/12/2009 17:15