Viaje / Africa / Southern Africa / South Africa / Western Cape

West Coast

WEST Coast~ Route 27 /Lobster Route
Sun, sea and sand holidays- ocean adventure, kite surfing, sailing and yachting
Nature- biosphere, mountains, birding, river and whale watching
Trail adventure- horse trailing, biking, hiking, 4x4 and motorcycling
Paleontology/archaeology tours- rock art, fossils, rock formation
History/culture- museums heritage sites, west coast lifestyle, culinary tourism
Adventure tourism- backpacking, youth traveling, flowers/succulents, stargazing, harbours, agri marine culture, wine tourism, gambling, paragliding, hang-gliding golf, horse riding, cycling, rallies, rubber ducking

Area also known for its rooibos –, honeybush – and buchu tea’s
Villages of Importance’s to visit is:

-Lambert’s Bay

Area 31 099Km2 - Population 320 000
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