Sobre mi

I am new to this site and realy open to new contacts and comments.

Comentarios 14

  • Christian Bertero 15/06/2011 21:15

    Grazie mille. Have a nice time. Cordiale saluto.
  • Christian Bertero 15/06/2011 21:12

    Thank you Aleksander.
  • Veikko 15/06/2011 15:46

    Ei olnudki kaugel, kesk-eesti jäätunud kattega lumeväljadel.
  • Veikko 15/06/2011 15:16

    Selle peale ma ei tulnudki seal külmal lumeväljal. Tänan.
  • Maxkamen 14/02/2011 16:07

    Hello, Sasha! Im here now )
  • Veikko 21/10/2010 15:39

    Tänan tähelepaneku eest.
  • John Evans 19/10/2010 0:11

    Hi Aleks,Thank you for your comment on my Photo the Worlds Smallest Car. Best Wishes From John.
  • John Evans 21/08/2010 1:47

    Hi Aleks, Thank you comment on my Photo: Chelsea Embankment, yes you are right I did change the colour of the Sky in Photoshop.Regards from John.
  • John Evans 19/08/2010 19:59

    Hi Aleks,Thank you for your comments on my Photo: Having Fun. Regards from John.
  • Da-NeMeSiS 30/11/2009 1:24

    thanks for your comment. this year, i try to make 360° shots.
    and upload it as special format on another site,

  • Anna Kowalski 11/10/2009 2:27

    Hello Alexander,

    Thank you for your nice comment.'s in Halifax, N.S.


  • Wolfgang Paul L. 05/09/2009 12:08

    Dank für die Anmerkung. Es ist wirklich wie Kino.

    FG Wolfgang
    Wolfgang Paul L.
  • Veikko 04/03/2009 21:12

    Tänan Alex. Iseenesest on tegu ühe tehniliselt äpardunud värvikaadriga. Ma üritasin seda siis mustvalgelt edasi arendada. See on "juhuslik" kaader.
  • Tor-Henrik Furmyr 29/12/2008 3:14

    Hi there Aleksander, welcome to Fotocommunity! :-)
    Fotocommunity is The place where beginners, amateurs and professionals can share their passion for photography.
    You can view pictures from others, upload your own and exchange comments with people around the world, and you can discuss or ask about anything you might want to know about our common interest.

    At this address you can find a tutorial for new members, and I recommend you take a look at it. It helped me a lot when I joined:

    You can also get lots of information in our online-help.
    To get there click on this link:

    If you have other questions, don't hesitate to ask me or a member of the team if you have any questions!

    Well, see you out there :-)
    Totto (Tor-Henrik Furmyr)
    Channelmanager Nature
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