I think you have an excellent eye for architectural details, interesting and challenging lighting situations, abstract patterns in the world around you. Keep doing what you're doing. I have very much enjoyed seeing what you've done so far.
Dobroj nochi! Ochen ponravilis Vashi foto, y menya net slov :)) Prodoljaite v tom je duhe! Fotografiya - kotoraya lishaet dara rechi - eto iskysstvo :) Udachi.
Andrey - Odessa na Vashikh fotographijakh takaja zhe kak mnogo let nazad, i est` v nej kakoj-to shtrix, slovno neobjasnimyj perenos v zharkoje leto i fil`my proshedshej junosti...
Hey Andrey,
Thanks for your comment on my 'Bustling Food Stall' picture. I have looked at your pictures and noticed you have a great talent for getting the right exposure on shots between light and dark. I also liked your simple but effective 'Light Geometry' shot. Thanks again. Sean
† dannpet 30/03/2013 18:15
where are you lost, your pics are amazing!Alexander Shumskiy 24/06/2009 12:09
esho kakoi!Glance
Alexander ShumskiyAnja A.G. 12/12/2008 8:05
K-J Photo 09/12/2008 1:14
You got some great photos.. Keep up the good work:)Regards
Elizabeth J Jacob 20/11/2008 3:12
I think you have an excellent eye for architectural details, interesting and challenging lighting situations, abstract patterns in the world around you. Keep doing what you're doing. I have very much enjoyed seeing what you've done so far.Anja A.G. 11/05/2008 22:34
Dobroj nochi! Ochen ponravilis Vashi foto, y menya net slov :)) Prodoljaite v tom je duhe! Fotografiya - kotoraya lishaet dara rechi - eto iskysstvo :) Udachi.Ilidio Fernandes 16/10/2007 23:09
Fantastic profile,good workTatiana Karpechenko 15/08/2007 20:14
Zdravstvuyte. Nravyatsa Vashi foto. Toje fotografiruyu Odessu. Tolko ne nashla tam vintovih lestnic.Alexandra Baltog 27/06/2007 20:58
Amazing portofolio. Congratulations,Alex
Kenny Jazz 28/03/2007 11:47
Andrey - Odessa na Vashikh fotographijakh takaja zhe kak mnogo let nazad, i est` v nej kakoj-to shtrix, slovno neobjasnimyj perenos v zharkoje leto i fil`my proshedshej junosti...Andrej Nagode 28/02/2007 5:55
Hi Andrey!You have really good eye for capetureing. I like most of your extraordinary work. Keep on doing great pictures.
Best Regards,
Olha Klipkova 25/08/2006 8:28
Koshmarno zhal, no vmesto soobschenija ot Vas ja poluchila v svoj pochtovij jaschik nabor tsifr =( I dva "smajlika".Sean Robertson 23/07/2006 23:33
Hey Andrey,Thanks for your comment on my 'Bustling Food Stall' picture. I have looked at your pictures and noticed you have a great talent for getting the right exposure on shots between light and dark. I also liked your simple but effective 'Light Geometry' shot. Thanks again. Sean
Moonrise Moonrise 09/06/2006 16:46
Hey Andrey,I love most of your photos! You have a very good eye for taking extraordinary pictures!
Radim Spitzer 12/04/2006 16:26
~ Our shadows at Anna Bay ~
Radim Spitzerthanks for yor nice comment.
REgards, Radim. ;o)