Frank Terlien

Free Account, Heiloo

Sobre mi

Making pictures is my hobby for a very long time, got my first Koda when I was 12, bought my first Minolta some years later (the famous SRT101) Made a restart some years ago with the Fujifinepix S602Z and bought the Canon 350D last year, I use a 17-85 IS E-FS lens and a 75-300 IS.

some of my photos
lonely yellow
lonely yellow
Frank Terlien


Comentarios 15

  • Daniela Friedrich 15/06/2006 12:19

    Hallo Frank
    Thanks for ypour comments. It seems I have a lot of fans in Netherlands or all Netherlands are fan of Macros:-) . I will cross a part of your country in 2 week, starting here in Zurich to Rotterdam, following the Rhein. So maybe there will be some netherland insects fotos here in some week :-). Wish you good light and a lot aof great motivs. Your sunsets are all great.
  • Theo Weijmer 06/06/2006 21:23

    Hallo Frank
    Bedankt voor je commentaar, ik heb het antwoord bij de foto staan.
    Groeten Theo
  • Nilüfer Barin 28/05/2006 8:43

    Hi Frank;

    thanks for your comment.


  • Jacqueline Chay 22/05/2006 10:34

    Thank youuuuuu :-))))
  • K.L. Short 21/05/2006 20:59

    thank you for comment
  • Beatriz B.B. 19/05/2006 22:54

    Thank you Frank....... p.s. I love your picture with the orange pretty......Beatriz :)
  • Füsun Özler 15/05/2006 6:32

    Füsun Özler

    Hi Frank,
    Thank you for your nice comment
  • Jacqueline Chay 14/05/2006 16:27

    Hi Frank - Yes i did consider the tighter crop with only the eyes, but it actually took away from the menacing look Try cutting off his ears with the top of your screen and you will see it looks more effective as it is i think, but its all a matter of taste im sure. Thank you for commenting, appreciated. Jackie
  • Füsun Özler 13/05/2006 7:22

    Füsun Özler

    Hi Frank,
    Thank you for your nice comment
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 12/05/2006 16:46

    Hi thanks for your komment.
    Greeting Anastasia
  • Jacqueline Chay 11/05/2006 12:42

    Welcome to fotocommunity Frank - your pics are Great
    Regards from Oz
  • Danny W. Wilson 10/05/2006 3:36

    Welcome to the FC!
    Thank you for your kind comments concerning my work.
    Crystal 2
    Crystal 2
    Danny W. Wilson
  • Robert L. Roux 07/05/2006 21:48

    canadian welcome to fc -
    your first couple pics are excellent ...
    greetings - robert
  • Jan Van Der Hooft 07/05/2006 21:00

    Gr Jan
  • Luc Grollie 07/05/2006 20:00

    thanks for your comment Frank.
    welcome to FC !!!
    hope you have a great time here, enjoy !!!!

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