Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
When I lived in the most beautiful city in the world, I found that Parisians do not see it. People don't know how to watch. But the careful eye steels geometries, colors, movements, right under our noses.
Only what is in front and behind the camera matters. All the fuzz around technology, it's a smokescreen to hide the essential: emotion.
I have been an art photographer for thirty years but only know did I turn professional. I belong to the school of thought that believes that the important thing is the subject, and the photographer's artistic perception. For me, the camera is just another ordinary tool.
Only what is in front and behind the camera matters. All the fuzz around technology, it's a smokescreen to hide the essential: emotion.
I have been an art photographer for thirty years but only know did I turn professional. I belong to the school of thought that believes that the important thing is the subject, and the photographer's artistic perception. For me, the camera is just another ordinary tool.
† erlitzsche 09/01/2010 9:44
Hallo Hagilboa,ein herzliches Willkommen in der fc und viel Spass in der wunderschönen Welt
der Fotografie.
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Viele Grüße
Hagilboa 08/01/2010 19:53
I am a professional photographer