Joe Graham

Free Account, Glasgow

Sobre mi

I ,m 73 years old and live in a small village near Glasgow Scotland with my wife Isabel. We have two daughters and two grandaughters My first camera was a ;Samoca; 35MM fixed lens that I bought about 19 58 , in 19 70+ I bought an :Olympus OM 10: Lost interest until recently and now have a :Fuji e 550. I,m not really into the tec. side of things but like landscapes, I paint in oil and acrylic, and use the camera to help in composition..... Taking photos is a tremendous record of people and events that have happened over the years,especially as one grows older....and more forgetful.

Comentarios 15

  • Senem G 28/12/2008 23:51

    Hello ,
    Thank you very much for your comment on my photo .
    Greetings from Oxford .
    Senem :)
  • Vicente Martinez 14/01/2008 16:15

    Dear Joe, thank you very much for your comment about my picture. Y saw yours; I found them very interesting and even with a historical value. I guess (?) you made digital copies from old analogue photographs. I enjoyed specially those from 1964 as you and your wife were travelling in Switzerland with a Fiat 600 (?). The similar one was, the Seat 600 which was commercialized in 1957 in Spain and was the first car built during Franco’s era.
    Regards Vicente
  • Sonja Döring 08/01/2008 10:32

    Hiya Joe,

    no I don't think that that are the falls you are talking about they are too up north. The falls on my pic are somewhere between Loch Lomond and Oban....I really don't remember the name...

  • Pe-Sto 03/01/2008 16:28

    Hi Joe,
    thank you for the nice comments again. I like this little poem which you send me to my pic
    I wish you and your familiy a Happy New Year and all the best.
    Best regards
    Peggy from Germany
    P.S.: Scotland forever :-)))
  • Jacqueline Chay 07/12/2007 12:19

    Hi Joe, Glad that you like this pic and it brightens up your cold November
    Jacqueline Chay
    Best Regards Jackie
  • Francesco Margarita 30/11/2007 16:29

    Grazie Joe del tuo graditissimo commento.
    Un caro saluto Francesco
  • Sonja Döring 30/09/2007 17:48


    Thank you for your comment. I love Edinburgh and Scotland itself. One day I'm going to live there....definately!

  • Joe Graham 27/09/2007 20:47

    P.S. Guess who wears the trousers in my house
  • When 09/03/2006 12:11

    A warm FC welcome from Seattle. Hope you enjoy yourself here. If you need any help navigating around feel free to ask.
  • Jacqueline Chay 21/02/2006 0:27

    Hi Joe Tell Liz im actually going to be in London on the 26th May and will call in at her place. Thanks for the comment :)
    Regards Jackie
  • Ralph S. 05/02/2006 18:45

    Hello Joe,
    heartly welcome to fotocommunity. I´m impressed from your pictures - lovely! Nice colours and lovely places. I´m looking forward of more pictures of you.

    Kindest regards Ralph
  • Bernd Ja. 05/02/2006 15:40

    Hello Joe, welcome to fotocommunity, great to have you here. May we can watch some fantastic pictures from Scotland. I love it and I have been there for four times. Hope that I can go to Scotland again some day. Have fun here and have always a good light ;-)
    All the best, Bernd
  • Wolfgang F.K. Schlick 03/02/2006 0:55

    Hello Joe,
    wellcome to the club ... ;-)
  • Joe Graham 02/02/2006 21:23

    I,m a retired painter and decorator. aged 73 My hobbies are photography and painting in oils &acrylic.
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