
Free Account, Tully

Sobre mi

I started snapping photos in the early 70's on a higher end Kodak instamatic that actually took pretty good photographs/slides. We would have slide shows outside in the summer on the side wall of our garage. By the late 70's, I had moved up to my first "real" camera, a Minolta XG7, which went with me on a few cross country expiditions in my trusty Chevy Van.
Work, marriage, and three children slowed my photography down for a number of years at that point. In recent years, as my children got older, I passed the old camera down to them, tried a Canon G2, and then a Canon Xsi and started to get bitten by the bug again. Now, I spend my spare time between landscape and nature photography and helping my wife with her Llama Trek business on our llama farm located here in the eastern Finger Lakes Region of Central NY. This in itself provides quite a few photo opportunities.

Comentarios 2

  • the landscaper 19/03/2011 10:55

    dear johnny
    thank you very much and welcome here in the fc!

    all my best wishes, tls
  • Adele D. Oliver 14/03/2011 19:48

    Greetings!! Glad that you found your way to FotoCommunity!! A warm welcome!!!! I hope you will enjoy showing your images and having a look at other members' photos.
    Have fun, get inspired and make many friends!!!
    Friendly regards,

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