Mats Wolw Jönsson

Free Account, Klagshamn

Sobre mi

I'm a swede that always looks for interesting models.

Please do not hesitate to contact me...
MSN and E-mail:

Comentarios 6

  • Chris Shal 05/08/2008 21:39

    Nice work ! I would love having you as portrait teacher !
    Friendship from Paris
  • onur Kolkir 13/06/2007 12:30

    thx a lot for the comment
  • Sandra Soulas 13/06/2007 11:49

    A beautiful collection of portraits, Mats. Lovely to look at. Keep the coming!
    Hello from London,
  • Giorgos Fidanas 16/04/2007 20:14

    Hello, Mats
    I guess you find a few seconds to commend my photo...:-)
    I know, the pressure sometimes gets really overwelming, but hey, we must spare a little time for ourselves. During summer time i'm in a very rough and time consuming condition, that's why i loved your commend about the 24 and 48 hour day:-)
    Wow...Great site, even from the entrance. I didn't click anything yet, but i'll do. In a couple of weeks i will upload my own. Too bad i didn't noticed your site earlier, i could get inspired from some functions. I will include an ENG version of my site too, because i think it is crucial these days. Not that i'm expecting to work world wide, but it is nice for my friends in FC, to read and understand the webpage.
    Nice to meet you, it was my pleasure watching your photos, and i'm planning to follow your uploads.
    Take a break...Giorgos
    Giorgos Fidanas

  • Danny W. Wilson 11/11/2005 6:26

    Welcome to the FC!
    Crystal 3
    Crystal 3
    Danny W. Wilson
  • Wilhelm Harlander 10/11/2005 16:14

    Servus Mats, welcome in this crazy fotoWorld............*gg*

    viele Grüße aus Old Germany - Munich City.

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