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Comentarios 11

  • Darinka Mladenovic 01/01/2009 13:43

    Srecno Novo leto Tebi in Tvojim zeli Darinka
  • Andrej Nagode 01/01/2009 10:25

  • weggi 07/12/2008 20:28

    many thanks for your nice comment mrak to this!:much greetings, weggi
  • J e n n i f e r E. 07/12/2008 10:56

    Thank you for your comment. =)

  • theriom 29/10/2008 23:34

    Thanks Mrak!

  • Nikola Stanoja Nikolic 28/10/2008 19:54

    Thanks mrak :)
    Greetings, Nikola

    Valjevo sa Paviljona
    Valjevo sa Paviljona
    Nikola Stanoja Nikolic
  • Darinka Mladenovic 26/10/2008 17:28

    Pozdravljen v FF druzbi. Hvala za komentarje. Trudim se, kar se tice Slovenije jo prikazati resnicno kot naravno lepo dezelo. Tudi drugje je lepo, samo doma je najlepse, sklepam, da živiš ob čudovtem blejskem jezeru.
    LP Darinka
    BLED Slovenia
    BLED Slovenia
    Darinka Mladenovic
  • Fons van Swaal 02/10/2008 19:43

    Thank you...........;-))
  • Linda Herbert 02/10/2008 18:23

    Hello Cinik, You are asking me why is my image grained? When you grain an image or add noise to it also hides some imperfections and gives it a texture. I have that image sharp and clear but I wanted the grain effect. Hope this helps you why I did it that way. Its all personal taste...Thanks for stopping by. Linda Herbert USA
  • Fons van Swaal 02/10/2008 18:20

    Thank you very much for visit and comment , it's much appreciated...;-))
  • felidae. 20/03/2008 18:56

    Welcome to the
    We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share your passion for photography.

    For further help you can have a look at the following links :

    For online help, just look here:

    If there is still anything else you want to know, don´t hesitate to write us.

    Enjoy the fotocommunity! :-) :-) :-)

    Grit Siwonia, Youth channel manager
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