
Free Account, Athens

Comentarios 16

  • Phil Hellenicos 20/07/2012 14:47

    kalos irthes stin parea mas!
    you have a lot nice Photos
  • enginbasa 01/12/2010 10:52

  • Owen McLeod 28/11/2010 21:29

    Thank you for your feedback.
  • costanza rizzardo 26/11/2010 17:34

    Thank you!

  • Knips-Emma 26/11/2010 14:08

    thank you :)
  • Stella Marie 25/11/2010 8:44

    .... danke Dir für Dein Willkommen!
  • Tiayandra L. Galileasta 24/11/2010 8:05

    Thanks =)
  • Hans-Günter Taraschke 22/11/2010 19:47

    Hello Nikos, many thanks for your comment. I saw yout fotos and thought, my preferences..... Best regards HG
  • Roberto Ruiz 05/02/2010 0:34

    Are a lot thanks for your comment
  • Andang Wales 29/01/2010 22:16

    Thank you for your comment. KG, Andang
  • Eln E 18/12/2009 13:46

    Thank you Nikos for ur comment on my photo...
  • Nikos134 16/12/2009 15:04

    Hi!! many places for photo shooting in Greece but I would choose some of our Islands!!
  • JIA YIWEI 16/12/2009 15:00

    Hi, thank you for comment on my pic. I'm planing a trip to Greece, any nice place for photo-shooting?:)
  • Nikos134 16/12/2009 14:26

    Hi Kati thank u for your help...although I do not speak German but anyway thank u very much!!
  • † erlitzsche 16/12/2009 12:28

    Hallo Nikos134,

    ein herzliches Willkommen in der fc und viel Spass in der wunderschönen Welt
    der Fotografie.

    Zur ersten Orientierung hier ein Link, in dem du die Übersichten aller
    Bildsektionen findest

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    anderen Tipp auch für dich.

    Viele Grüße

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