Rocco Gargano

Free Account, Bergamo

Sobre mi

Rocco Gargano was born in 1972 in Bergamo (Italy), where he got his high school diploma at Liceo Classico Paolo Sarpi. He then earned his degree in Law at the University of Milan and presently works as a lawyer in Bergamo, where he still lives.
Rocco first got involved into photography through darkroom magic: he actually learned how to print pictures before knowing how to shoot them, watching his friend Carlo printing black and white in his kitchen/darkroom.
He took his first photographic steps in 2000 with dad's Minolta SRT 101 and with a Pentax MZ 50; as soon as he could, he became a proud Nikonist (FM3a, wonderful, all-manual), to finally step into the rangefinder world by falling in love with his Contax G2 and her amazing lenses.
He only shoots film: Kodak Tri-x and Fuji Neopan 400 are his favourite ones, which he processes in Kodak D76 and Microdol-X and prints on ILFORD paper.
Black and White is his choice: in our color world this means having the chance to transform reality and gives more strength to subjects’ glances and gestures. Moreover darkroom work allows the control needed to achieve the results he looks for.
Authors he loves most are Sebastiao Salgado, Robert Capa and Margaret Bourke-White.
He develops and prints all his rolls himself.

Comentarios 6

  • Ngone 01/01/2014 23:36

    Ciao amico

    Mi piace il tuo profilo in questa rete di comunità e penso che sei una brava persona, ci vogliono essere amici non so come vi sentirete su di esso, può scrivere a me attraverso la mia e-mail e vi dirà tutto sulla mia auto, comprese le mie immagini.( ) mi dispiace che se io ti sto imbarazzante, mi deve spiegare me stesso a voi ( )
    tuo amore,
    Miss Benita

    Hello friend

    I like your profile in this community network and I think you are a nice person,i want us to be friends i don't know how you will feel about it,please you can write to me through my email and i will tell you all about my self including my pictures.( ) I'm sorry if i am embarrassing you, i shall explain my self to you ( )
    yours in love,
    Miss Benita
  • Maricla Martiradonna 03/11/2007 15:06

    Complimenti per i tuoi bellissimi lavori!
    ciao, Maricla
  • Massimo Santoni 17/09/2007 10:47

    Bellissimo il tuo sito. a parte la grafica che è molto piacevole e ottimamente realizzata, il contenuto è veramente di eccezione! Bellissimi i tuoi scatti e la cura del bn. Ottimo senso estetico e grande sensibilità emergono dalle tue immagini. Bravissimo!
  • Fulvio Fusani 12/09/2007 23:52

    Ho visitato il tuo sito personale, per meglio dire gli ho dato un'occhiata veloce e mi ripropongo di ritornarci con calma per gustarmi le tue splendite foto,
    Complimenti. Fulvio Fusani
  • Rocco Gargano 12/09/2007 19:48

    Grazie mille.
  • Renato Orsini 12/09/2007 16:39

    ciao Rocco ho visto le tue foto in b/n e mi complimento ! ho visto anche il tuo sito, molto bene mi sembra un bel lavvoro ! ciao Renato
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