Hello Pussy.

Free Account, Herford

Sobre mi

If you were here I'd never have a fear.
So go on live your life.
But I miss you more than I did yesterday.

You're beautiful

Well I'm a total wreck and almost every day.
Like the firing squad or the mess you made.
Well don't I look pretty walking down the street.
In the best damn dress I own?

If you were here I'd never have a fear.
So go on live your life.
But I miss you more than I did yesterday.

You're so far away.
So c'mon show me how.
'Cause I mean this more than words could ever say.

(some) Might say we are made from the sharpest things you say
We are young and we don't care.
Your dreams and your hopeless hair.
We never wanted it to be this way.
For all our lives.
Do you care at all?

(what'd you call me?)
(Well, there's no way I'm kissing that guy)

Comentarios 4

  • Insanity Pictures 16/01/2008 15:31

    Ich dachte schaust du mal nach Herfordianern :)

    Danke für dein Kompliment :)

    Aber ich muss sagen das mir deine Bilder echt gut gefallen.
    Die Ideen dahinter sind gut.

    Fotografierst du denn schon lange?

    Liebe Grüße
  • Insanity Pictures 13/01/2008 19:55

    Hi Lisa,
    du hast wirklich schöne Bilder dabei. gefallen mir sehr gut :-)

  • Jens Tenninger 20/11/2007 19:30

    Hallo Liisa,

    ich begrüße Dich in der Community-Familie und wünsche Dir viel Spaß und und immer eine gute Perspektive und top Motive!

    LG Jens
    Jens Tenninger

  • Günna S. 20/11/2007 18:24

    Hi Liisa!
    ... willkommen hier in der FC! wünsche Dir gaaanz viel Spaß, und viele possitiven Anmerkungen! ;-)
    ... und die Idee mit den Schnürsenkeln der Chucks, finde ich richtig KLASSE !
    LG, Gün
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