Trine Sirnes Thorne

Free Account, Fredrikstad

Sobre mi

Norwegian female photographer with abstracts, close-up and natural portraits as favorite challenges.

Comentarios 9

  • SVEIN ANDERS LUND 02/06/2009 0:52

    Hei der du virker som en intrisang fotograf.

    Jeg er selv fra Skjeberg i sarpsborg
    og jeg er medlem i fokus fotoklubb sarpsborg.

    Se på bildet mitt: Old Door

    Hva synes du hva føler du om bildet???

    er det spesielt synes du???

    bare skriv og spør hvis du vil

  • Ingo Höntsch 23/08/2007 23:48

    Hi Trine!
    It's a very long time ago, when you wrote a little comment to one of my photos in the . Just now i have taken a look on your hompage - and I must say: it's amazing! It's my favourite dream to have so many time spending for my hobby - the fotography.
    I wish you most success with your work.
    Nice regards
    Ingo Höntsch
  • Ms. Grace 28/03/2006 16:44

    Hey Trine,
    I don't want to miss anything new of your perfect work!
    thanks a lot for diving into wonderful atmospheres!!

    (orange!) ;-)

    kind regards, Kahen
  • Katerina Zumrová 17/01/2006 6:55

    Thank you for your instructive comment...that help me...
  • Milan Bystron 17/01/2006 1:29

    Hi Trine,

    Thanks you for your comment on my picture. I like where you likes my photography. Greeting from Czech Republic sends Milan :)
  • Dirk Hofmann 11/01/2006 21:30

    Hi Trine!

    I also want to say "Welcome to!"

    This is a place to look at, think about and discuss photos and I'm quite sure that you'll find a bunch of nice people around here which share your hobby!

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me!

    Hope you'll have the fun I have since I became a member!

  • When 11/01/2006 21:04


    Love "Little Sponge". A warm welcome to FC. Hope you enjoy yourself here. If you need any help navigating around, just let me know.
  • Martin Unger 11/01/2006 16:39

    Hei Trine!
    Det er fint å se flere photographer fra Norge her hos oss! Fine bilder har du allerede vist her, jeg gleder meg allerede på de neste!
    Hilsen fra Nordmøre
  • Der Zacki 11/01/2006 15:42

    Hi Trine,
    Welcome the the
    The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences.
    So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further
    questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.

    Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:

    cheers Peter
    Channelmanager Nature
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