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Autumn at the lake (1)

Autumn at the lake (1)

9.276 141 Galería

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Autumn at the lake (1)

Sombre days with lots of rain, but now and then there is still some beauty to be seen in nature.

A big thanks to Angelika El. for the kindly nomination of this picture.

Comentarios 141

  • jane B 28/11/2014 13:42

    zu spät zum voting aber ich gratuliere Dir !
    Verdiente Stern :-)
  • wolfgang und maritha 16/11/2012 19:58

    Der Herbst zeigt sich von seiner schönsten Seite.
    Die tollen Lichtverhältnisse und die fotografische Umsetzung sind beeindruckend.
    Eine gute Zeit wünschen
    Wolfgang und Maritha.

  • Armin Leitner 17/10/2011 19:58

    Man nehme eine Leinwand und einen Pinsel oder man läßt Mark fotografieren. Traumhaft gut.
    Groetjes, Armin
  • froekensnork 19/05/2011 23:59

    Very beautiful!
  • hama omer 14/12/2009 18:36

  • Gaby Falkenberg 06/12/2009 13:11

    Gratulation Mark!!!!
    Faszinierend das Licht,eine ganz wundervolle Bildkomposition.
  • Canan Oner 02/12/2009 11:30

    Congratulations on your star Mark !!!
  • Bruno Giovanpietro 01/12/2009 15:21

    non ci posso no essere parole per descrivere il tuo capolavoro
  • Stefan S. Mosley 01/12/2009 15:01

    Spectacular! Superbe colors and clarity, great light and crop, and a well-deserved star--congratulations.
  • CsomorLászló 01/12/2009 11:09

  • Adele D. Oliver 30/11/2009 4:35

    Congratulations, Mark ... happy to see this beautiful image make it into the gallery!
    greetings, Adele
  • Mark Billiau. 29/11/2009 18:43

    @ Everybody who voted pro : thank you very much.
    And of course a special thanks to Angelika El. for the nomination of this picture.

  • Ruud van der Lubben 29/11/2009 17:27 Comentario de la votación

    Nice colours, however as mentioned above the treetrunk on the left should have been cropped out. Gallery is suppose to be the best of the best, and such errors make it not belong to the best.
  • PHILIPPE78 29/11/2009 17:27 Comentario de la votación

  • Alfredo Yanez 29/11/2009 17:27 Comentario de la votación
