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Blue Boy or Racism

Blue Boy or Racism

9.402 3

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Blue Boy or Racism

Holi in all its wild colors.

Holi is about the Hindu gods, One child god complains to his mother about the skin color of another god. HIs mother tells inane this day that he may pain the other lesser god any color her wants. The interesting connection is a world wide event when teachers of one race didn't like the color of there students. They call them up in front of the class and hold them by the shit color and powder their young face with calk while the class laughed. The class and rat structure is about civil rights on many levels. After all that is Holi then and today.

Comentarios 3

  • Cobrak 05/10/2012 12:31

    très bon cliché
  • BRYAN CRUTE 13/05/2012 12:56

    Maybe they have found the solution to a world problem ??
    Paint us all the same colour :-)

  • Howard Mattix 13/05/2012 6:30

    A very powerful depiction of what racial bias is and how it taints the soul of man.


Carpeta Holi
Vistas 9.402


Cámara NIKON D700
Objetivo AF Nikkor 20mm f/2.8D
Diafragma 2.8
Tiempo de exposición 1/250
Distancia focal 20.0 mm
ISO 400

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