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D german killing machine iii

D german killing machine iii

1.417 4

Jeong Cp Jeong cp

Free Account, KOREA SOUTH

D german killing machine iii

"D german killing machine iii"

we were the great german nation of WWIII,
we were perhaps the best,
in morale, equipment and power,

our only mistake was to kill the Jews,
our blunder was the rise of USSR & USA,
our mishap was no difference,

Our regret your forgiveness,

now a united german nation,
we shall strive for a better world,
a world without any killing machines.

Comentarios 4

  • Jeong Cp Jeong cp 26/09/2005 19:22

    Jeannette Merguin thanks,

    it was just a sudden thought that night before bed...

    i hope for a better world for all of us...
  • Jeannette Merguin 25/09/2005 21:56

    your pictures otherwise are so sensitive - this one is like not yours. I do apreciate though the questions that are provoked ... who are we to judge? I think we could go forever.
  • Jeong Cp Jeong cp 15/08/2005 20:10


    just a thought
    for th egerman nation
    and a second thought for the US.

  • Patricia. F. 15/08/2005 19:34
