1.102 7


This is my dad. I took this shot with Werner's camera, when we were at Café Drechsler in Vienna and he helped me optimize it in Photoshop.

Comentarios 7

  • Bevelaqua Gion L. 27/03/2007 1:54

    Guter Schuss!
  • Dustin Blank 02/05/2004 23:21

    *lol* nice cup! especially cause it's sort of white, thou i prefer coloured cups. white is only white you know?
    TAKE CARE, am curious to see more fotos.
    LG J(ack)C(ook)
  • Lutz Loebel 09/06/2002 13:05

    Fine work, sensual and lovely: that's the way, good portrait-stuff is made of ... btw.: welcome at FC :-)

    Servus aus München
  • Freya Mertens-Boese 09/06/2002 11:07

    Ich sag es trotzdem auf deutsch :)) Willkommen in der FC,ich freue mich auf weitere schöne Portraits von dir.
    Liebe Grüße,Freya
  • El Fi 09/06/2002 10:50

    thx for upbuilding me
    *lach*.. oder wie aufbauen sonst auf englisch heisst
  • El Fi 09/06/2002 10:43

    hi anastasia ;-)
    welcome to the community..
    your first pic with the middleformat-camera 6x6? really good.. above all: sharp..
    I hat difficulities with the sharpness as I tried this camera first time.. ;-)

    greetings also to your nice dad
  • Rike Bach 09/06/2002 10:40

    Hi Anastsia, lovely portrait and wonderful light. I love your Dad's wrinkles *g*, a face with a story.
    I wished the face was a little brighter on the left side of the pic - but even tough I like it a lot!!! A portrait that definitely doesn't look posed.
    Good work!!!
    Rike :)


Vistas 1.102