Demon figure in Subagan on Bali
Nyepi, or the Hindu New Year, also known as the day of absolute silence, this year in 2011 it was hold on the 5th of March.
We were on Bali on this days preceding Nyepi, and saw amazing colorful giants (Ogoh Ogoh) being created by every Balinese community of the banjar people. On the day before Nyepi, on the Bhuta Yajna Ritual the Ogoh Ogoh were paraded through the streets, an amazing sight which nobody should not to be missed (the days before and after the Nyepi).
But there are good reasons to avoid Nyepi as well, for many visitors these will have outweighed by the privilege of experiencing such a unique festival.
On the Nyepi day itself absolutely everything on the island is shut down between 6am on the day of the new year and 6am the following morning - 24 hours.
This demon statue is prepared already for the Balinese New Year celebration, the parade with hundreds of "Ogoh Ogoh" figures. The Ogoh Ogoh normally have form of mythological beings, mostly demons.
Georg Mahkorn 27/09/2012 3:33
fantastic picture§:-)