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Macy's One Day Strike I

Macy's One Day Strike I

546 3

Richard Silfverberg

Free Account, San Francisco

Macy's One Day Strike I

Was walking around downtown San Francisco when I came upon this one-day strike outside of Macy's department store. Took half-a-roll of film there.

Camera: Leica M3 (1964)
Lens: Summicron 50/2.0 (1964)
Film: Fuji Neopan 100
Filter: 1/2 stop yellow filter

Comentarios 3

  • Paolo67 24/09/2012 18:24

    I can only join the previous statements from the other guys - just perfect and cool

  • .ina. 16/08/2004 11:01

    impressive, especially the deep pucker on his forehead underlines his concern.
  • Frank Werso 14/08/2004 18:37

    But was it worthwhile?
    Yes of course! Impressed me.