The Whale shark
Camera: Nikon F801s
Lens : 20mm/f2.8 AFD Nikkor
Housing: SEACAM minicam 801
Film Fuji 400iso
Unfortunately the picture cannot represent the emotion that I felt when this giant get curious about me and slowing down its pace allowed me to swim eye in the eye with it for several minutes... I took this shot at a snorkeling dept of 5m close to the reef. The flash was not allowed and would be unusably in anyways, too much plankton...
I hope that you like it...
Guglielmo Rispoli 14/03/2009 9:13
BELLISSIMAcomplimenti con un po' di ;-)))) invidia
per il "tuo" squalo balena
ciao Guglielmo
Davide Baraldi 22/01/2009 21:12
una vera figatadavide