Trough the road in Central Melbourne
Nearby Central West Business Park in downtown Melbourne.
The Melbourne Main Street program was designed to enhance economic growth in the community through cultural events and social activities. We strived to promote the community identity as the “preferred destination” for quality shopping, dining, and entertainment. Walking through the roads we got the impression to be in a well organized and very clean big city, with a disciplined and save road traffic.
Benita Sittner 04/05/2021 9:29
....fein gespiegelt...VLG Benitarichardelmas 04/05/2021 0:18
El cielo visto a través de los edificios, un paisaje muy raro y muy atractivo.Saludos
Ralf Melchert 03/05/2021 22:48
StarkRaimo Ketolainen 03/05/2021 20:20
Vaikuttavan näköisiä pystylinjoja kuvassasi.