1.406 2

Sylvie Gill

Free Account, Hanoi


i don't usually take hotel amenities everytime i check in to a hotel,
but this time i can't resist. the bottles're so cute.

nowadays with the new rules regarding the size of carry-on
liquid containers plus the regulation where
we are not allowed to bring more than 100 ml liquid
on our carry-on luggage to the aircraft (this regulation is varies),
these bottles are useful to be filled up with
our own shampoo, soap and lotion aren't they ?

Comentarios 2

  • Robyn Raggio 19/08/2007 18:05

    Yes, indeedy, they are very handy and very cute and very well lit and captured in a perfectly simple manner. Nice image, nice presentation.
  • Fons van Swaal 19/08/2007 13:58

    I agree, makes a nice image also ...;-)))