Arnold John Kaplan

Free Account, Barnstable

Comentarios 1

  • Arnold John Kaplan 24/07/2008 21:20

    I fell in love with photography in 1928 when I was 12 years old and developed my first roll of film, in a tray,. in a darkroom converted from a coal bin in the cellar of my house. That same year I built my first enlarger from tin cans. At 15 years old I had a full darkroom and portrait studio set up in the cellar and was taking portraits of my friends and local neighborhood children.

    In college I was the photo editor of the college newspaper and yearbook and was also involved in stock photography, selling my photos to magazines and book publishers. I earned my degree in Business Management in 1939 at Boston University. I was also an aerial photographer in the US Naval Reserve Air Force.

    I was inspired, in my early years, by Ansel Adams, Minor White and Paul Caponigro, all great masters of black and white print making and my favorite photographic medium was photo print making, in both black and white and color.

    My first expensive camera was a used 5 by 7 inch, sheet film, Graflex in 1938, then came the 4 by 5 inch, sheet film, Speed Graphic, which I gave up for a 35mm Leica in 1940, which was traded in for the Nikon camera and lens system, that I used until 1995. Then the digital age appeared and I switched to a digital Canon camera system, but I still miss the use of color slide film.

    I am the author of the Vermont photo guide-book, "How To Find and Photograph The Photo-Scenics In Vermont." The handbook was written as a protest against those selfish photographers who kept the beautiful Vermont Photo sites a secret for many years, in order to win awards in their camera clubs. As I traveled up and down Vermont in the 1960's, photographing, I stumbled on each photo-scenic and jotted down the information on how to find them and finally put it all into book form, for all photographers to use. Over 5,000 copies have been sold to photographers around the World in the past few years. Eastman Kodak used the handbook when they send a photo crew to photograph Vermont, years ago.

    Over the years I was involved in several photo organizations, including the Boston Camera Club, South Shore Camera Club and the Photographic Society Of America. I presented over 300 color-slide presentations to photographic and non-photographic clubs, groups, societies and councils all over the USA. My subjects ranged from all day photo seminars to entertaining flower and travel shows for women's groups and senior citizen clubs.

    In 1974 I was honored by the Photographic Society Of America with their prestigious 'Associate Award' (APSA) for outstanding work in the field of photography. In 1977 the Internationale de L'Art of Europe awarded me the title of Photographic 'Artiste' (AFIAP) for my international photo salon exhibiting. I have judged a half dozen International Photo Salons across the USA.

    Over the years I have won Gold, Silver and Bronze medals and best of show trophies, plus hundreds of placement ribbons in the International Photographic Salons and earned the high Star rating of 5 Stars in color slide exhibitions. In the early '70's I was listed among the 100 best black and white print exhibitors in the World.

    I was an amateur photographer for over 50 years and turned professional after I retired from the non-photographic business world in 1978, and moved from Quincy, Mass. to Centerville on Cape Cod. In 1980 I opened the first school of photography on Cape Cod. I sold my photographs at Art Shows and also specialized in Stock Photography, working with five stock photo agencies around the world, including Getty Images, with over 5,000 color-slides in their photo files.

    I have been published in every printed and visual medium available and today I am involved in digital computer photography working with software programs to create new images from old photographs. My images have been used for fine art photography, magazine covers, posters, record and tape covers, advertising and book publishing. I have sold my Photographic images for as high as $5,000.00 for commercial use. My Fine Art Photographic Prints have been sold for as high as $250.00 each and several patrons are now collecting them.

    Today I live on Cape Cod, Massachusetts enjoying my second business career as a Fine Art Photographer, Computer "Geek" (I have gone thru five computers since 1985), and Internet Web Site Webmaster. I also dabble in oil painting and have won prizes in both photography and painting in exhibitions on Cape Cod. I am a juried member of the Cape Cod Art Association and a member of the Yarmouth Art Guild, The Cape Cod Museum Of Art, The Cultural Center Of Cape Cod, The Photographic Society Of America, Photo-Net and the CCAA-Camera Club. Today my photographs and painting are hanging in hundreds of homes and offices throughout the USA.


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