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Sobre mi

I am almost 48 yrs old and have always loved photography but it has only been recently that I have been able to explore and develop my love .... all thanks to my friend, photojournalist Dave! Dave really encouraged me and always said I had a natural eye for photography. I have recently returned from my trip of a lifetime through the UK, Ireland and Western Europe where I went mad taking pictures, (all 3500 of them). You can see some of them here on my page. Please take a moment to have a look and leave some feedback.... BTW, there are more pictures to come!!!

Comentarios 5

  • Janos Gardonyi 07/09/2013 17:04

    Mille grazie mio caro amico, Cassricho (?) is this your real name? Your comments were well received.
    In addition, I appreciate your comment on my Sunday Park photo that was summarily dismissed, nay say insulted by a certain Dottore Labude(?) another pseudonym because he is too scared to come forward with his real name. Never mind, the picture spoke for itself as you can see the no. of comments.
  • Janos Gardonyi 17/08/2013 17:25

    sure thing mr ? Cassricho or whatever your name is. I was delighted to give you a comment that you deserved, but that shouldn't stop you from looking at my work even if you may not think it's worth a mention.... PS I speak Italian...

    thank you and see you again. janos
  • Cassricho 14/08/2013 9:20

    Thank you both very much for the warm greetings. I hope that this will be an enduring and rewarding friendship for all of us!
    Sunshine and Happiness Always, Cath R
  • Adele D. Oliver 23/07/2013 0:56

    Greetings and a warm welcome to our big international photo world at I know you will enjoy showing us your images and seeing what other members have done. I wish you good times and lots of new friends ..... and always good light !!!
    greetings from Canada,
    Nature Channel Manager
  • Dragomir Vukovic 22/07/2013 10:36

    WELCOME Cassricho !
    Here you are in the big and beautiful international FC, enjoy your creativity and your new friends.
    Dragomir - Special Channel Manager
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