Sobre mi
All I carry now is a Sony DSC-S600 whose highlight is its Vario-Tessar lens. It's small as most digitals, gives you 'some' freedom of action (program) and the rest - the moment of truth, composition and lighting - belongs to us...
In the past I used Minolta and its array of lenses.
But, as most of us, I also threw the towel. Digital is here to stay!
My favorite kind of subject is people.
In the past I used Minolta and its array of lenses.
But, as most of us, I also threw the towel. Digital is here to stay!
My favorite kind of subject is people.
Marta Azevedo 01/08/2007 0:40
oi Mario, recebei o seu e-mail e já respondibeijos
Marta Azevedo 23/07/2007 18:04
Oi Mario, estou escondia aqui em Dallas. Daqui duas semanas estarei indo para o Brasil. Não vejo a hora.E você , como está?
Não consegui abrir a foto rainy afternoon.
Beijos saudosos.
Marta Azevedo 15/02/2007 18:19
Oi Mário, ando muito triste, meu pai faleceu no dia 16 de dezembro de repente. A pressão subiu demais. Não tive tempo de chegar pro funeral, pois estava em Dallas. Foi difícil ter de deixar a minha mãe e irmã e voltar pra Dallas. Foram duas semanas de muita depressão. Agora estou bem melhor. E você, como está?Abraços,
Pascal Viyer 16/12/2006 18:52
I dedicatefor you and your kindness, my friend
P a s c a l
Pascal Viyer 16/12/2006 18:44
Merci beaucoup, Mario !!pv
JVision 09/12/2006 18:19
Hi Mario,Welcome the the
The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences.
So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further
questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.
Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:
Kind regards
(channelmanager digiart)
Daren Borzynski 09/12/2006 13:44
Hi MarioWelcome to FC
Thank you very much for your comments on my photograph.
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your Work.