Susie Q - Fotos e imágenes - Fotógrafa de Hobart, Australia | fotocommunityPerfil de Susie Q - fotógrafa Susie Q de Hobart, Australia [fc-user:817311] - Thank you for taking the time to view my image(s) - it's much appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to view my image(s) - it's much appreciated.
I live by the sea in the Australian state of Tasmania, a beautiful temperate island located on the edge of the Great Southern Ocean.
I'm keen to learn and I'd love feedback - please feel free to say what you think. All constructive criticism and helpful advice gratefully accepted - I readily acknowledge I have a long way to go technically and detailed feedback on how I can improve is especially welcome. Ultimately, I hope that my portfolio will over time document some progress.
Hi Susi.
Happy greetings from Germany. Thanks for your comment in my Profil. I am very glade about the friendly words. Now you are in my Buddie-list, because that I can in the furture see your pictures everytime only.
Klaus from Germany.
Hi Susie,
I'm really glad to hear from another pinhole aficionado! This is a great tool for somebody with the heart of impressionist, I think. For me pinhole is an aura-extractor, it gets the charm and mystery out of simple things. Waiting to see more obscura work of yours!
Stefan S. Mosley 23/12/2008 14:57
Zdenek Baranek 22/12/2008 19:07
Merry ChistmasJacqueline Chay 06/07/2008 12:08
Hi Suzie - How are you? Not seen you for a while - Hope your keeping well. Best wishes JackieA picture to wish you well
Zdenek Baranek 26/12/2007 12:18
Merry Chrismas and Happy new year.ZdenekFrancesco Margarita 04/12/2007 10:52
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
Francesco MargaritaMarry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
francesco margarita
Andrea Gasparro 14/07/2007 16:34
Grazie del commento alla mia Finestra sul mare. CiaoFirenze
Francesco Margarita 09/07/2007 10:06
Francesco Margarita - Pesca notturna -
Francesco MargaritaSurrealismo - Francesco Margarita - Borgo Marinaro - Santa Lucia -
Francesco MargaritaThanks to she Susie for its kind visit in mines gallery and for appreciate its comments. hello Francisco
Klausi 03/07/2007 16:45
Hi Susi.Happy greetings from Germany. Thanks for your comment in my Profil. I am very glade about the friendly words. Now you are in my Buddie-list, because that I can in the furture see your pictures everytime only.
Klaus from Germany.
Gianni Boradori 30/06/2007 14:07
Many thanhs Susie for your visit to my pics!Regards,Gianni
Andrej Nagode 03/06/2007 7:17
Hi Susi,I like your work very much! You're talented and have great eye for composition.
Kind Regards,
Zdenek Baranek 26/05/2007 18:18
Thanks very much for your visits.Cheers,ZdenekMarcin Cieplucha 11/04/2007 23:31
Hi Susie,I'm really glad to hear from another pinhole aficionado! This is a great tool for somebody with the heart of impressionist, I think. For me pinhole is an aura-extractor, it gets the charm and mystery out of simple things. Waiting to see more obscura work of yours!
Sandro Libra 10/04/2007 13:36
Grazie Susie, ciaoferrovia 5
Sandro LibraMassimo Camocardi 10/04/2007 9:04
Cara Susieyour landscapes are truly extraordinary!!!
Robert L. Roux 10/04/2007 8:37
easter greetings, a little late,but with a smile
from your friend up over ... ;-))
salut robert