Los Paul
du mußt ihm voll in die Eier haun
das ist die Art von Gewalt die wir sehn wolln
wenn auch nicht spürn wolln
Schnell gesehen schnell geschossen
gute Aktion
zwei Mann gleich bei ihm schade
was gibt es noch zu tun
action action
Du hast Macht über mich
trotzdem brauch ich dich nich
und ich will dich nich mehr
ich werd dich jetzt verlassen
und dann kannst du mich
von hinten sehn
Leiht euch Kohle damits uns besser geht
da heißt es Flagge zeigen
was haben Sie für hübsche bunte Knöpfe
an der Uniform
Danke schön batsch
Soviel Pelze ham mich etwas abgelenkt
bei so nem ernsten Thema
warum sind keine Fotografen hier
Du hast Macht über mich
trotzdem brauch ich dich nich
und ich will dich nich mehr
ich werd dich jetzt verlassen
und dann kannst du mich
von hinten sehn
Los Paul
du mußt ihm voll in die Eier haun
das ist die Art von Gewalt, die wir sehn wolln
wenn auch nicht spürn wolln
Du hast Macht über mich
trotzdem brauch ich dich nich
und ich will dich nich mehr
ich werd dich jetzt verlassen
und dann kannst du mich
version a: nochn marburger. bin nicht alleine! hola. schöne sachen zu gucken bei dir!
version b: Hallo JoJo,
ich tick photographisch ganz anders, aber Deine Photos seh ich sehr gerne an.
Gerät: Die FM3A? Ich dachte, die sei was für Spinner, die zu viel Geld haben? (Deren ich gerne einer wäre, statt einer mit zu wenig zu sein). 'ne good old Agfa? Was für eine? Retina?
i ran into matlock at hadlock padlock
i said have you seen my love?
he said he was over on elkins road
face down in a puddle of blood
then i ran into blair warner
at the chevron at four corners
i said did you see him die?
she said that was just a rumor
super duper small town trumor
he was shipped off
to treatment last night
what goes around don't come around not in this town
seven walls go up for every one wall that comes down
and the old ladies pray they'll be young again someday
do your job you dirty slob or nobody gets paid
she was standing on the dock trying to hit the moon with rocks
along came a man with his cock in his hand
he said what do you think? she said i think you stink
then she spit in his eye, said bye-bye, and pushed him in the drink
then she went to the pay shower and pumped quarters for an hour
even though she made it she still felt violated
wrapped the soap on a rope around her throat
said dear god i really hope you'll let me into heaven
'cause i'm only eleven and i've got nowhere to go
what goes around don't come around not in this town
a subway sandwich shop goes up and the roller rink closed down
and the kids all pray that they'll either get away
or get a job like chad in dad's meth lab and become rich one day
little david was learning to skate, practiced every single day
kept falling and falling and falling but he finally learned to ollie
he wondered who he'd tell, thought he would tell mel,
but mel and all his other friends were in the county jail
which is where i sent the letter that said things are gonna get better
he said you've got it all wrong, why'd you write this stupid song?
i said 'cause you're in my head even if you want me dead
just because i said exactly what i meant doesn't mean i meant what i said
what goes around don't come around not in this town
you don't need karmic retribution if you've got good ammunition
and mama always prayed that someday she'd get laid
by some dumb fuck with a pickup truck and really good cocaine
please do me a favor when you go to penny saver
get a half-rack of lucky for the girls,
two roast beef mighty bites, a pack of old gold lights,
and meet us at the end of the world
i'll be standing on the cliff with the sunset in my eyes
i'll be too insignificant to feel the need to lie
i wonder if this climbing that you city people do
ever leads you to a place with such a pretty view
what if what goes around is just a naked crying clown
and the clouds split down the middle and a mighty hand comes down
and we think that we are saved but the hand is made of clay
and my tears make messy make up streaks all over my face
what goes around don't come around not in this town
seven walls go up for every one wall that comes down
and the old ladies pray they'll be young again someday
do your job you dirty slob or nobody gets paid
nobody gets laid
nobody gets saved
do your job you dirty slob or nobody gets paid
Martin John 20/05/2003 11:26
Los Pauldu mußt ihm voll in die Eier haun
das ist die Art von Gewalt die wir sehn wolln
wenn auch nicht spürn wolln
Schnell gesehen schnell geschossen
gute Aktion
zwei Mann gleich bei ihm schade
was gibt es noch zu tun
action action
Du hast Macht über mich
trotzdem brauch ich dich nich
und ich will dich nich mehr
ich werd dich jetzt verlassen
und dann kannst du mich
von hinten sehn
Leiht euch Kohle damits uns besser geht
da heißt es Flagge zeigen
was haben Sie für hübsche bunte Knöpfe
an der Uniform
Danke schön batsch
Soviel Pelze ham mich etwas abgelenkt
bei so nem ernsten Thema
warum sind keine Fotografen hier
Du hast Macht über mich
trotzdem brauch ich dich nich
und ich will dich nich mehr
ich werd dich jetzt verlassen
und dann kannst du mich
von hinten sehn
Los Paul
du mußt ihm voll in die Eier haun
das ist die Art von Gewalt, die wir sehn wolln
wenn auch nicht spürn wolln
Du hast Macht über mich
trotzdem brauch ich dich nich
und ich will dich nich mehr
ich werd dich jetzt verlassen
und dann kannst du mich
Jo Weiß 17/05/2003 8:57
Knecht Ruprecht 16/05/2003 15:42
Knecht Ruprecht 16/05/2003 15:42
Jo Weiß 08/05/2003 1:10
Birgit rules !!!
Jo Weiß 25/04/2003 12:50
thänX !!*gggggg*
also spinner gerne,
aber iss nich die F100 noch etwas teurer ?
hmm ?!!
unn die agfa,
hmm wees nich so genau,der ring wo das draufstand iss leider verschollen...
Stephan Max 25/04/2003 0:47
version a: nochn marburger. bin nicht alleine! hola. schöne sachen zu gucken bei dir!version b: Hallo JoJo,
ich tick photographisch ganz anders, aber Deine Photos seh ich sehr gerne an.
Gerät: Die FM3A? Ich dachte, die sei was für Spinner, die zu viel Geld haben? (Deren ich gerne einer wäre, statt einer mit zu wenig zu sein). 'ne good old Agfa? Was für eine? Retina?
Grüße aus Cölbe, Stephan
Jo Weiß 13/04/2003 23:12
Jo Weiß 13/04/2003 23:11
hadlock padlock
i ran into matlock at hadlock padlock
i said have you seen my love?
he said he was over on elkins road
face down in a puddle of blood
then i ran into blair warner
at the chevron at four corners
i said did you see him die?
she said that was just a rumor
super duper small town trumor
he was shipped off
to treatment last night
what goes around don't come around not in this town
seven walls go up for every one wall that comes down
and the old ladies pray they'll be young again someday
do your job you dirty slob or nobody gets paid
she was standing on the dock trying to hit the moon with rocks
along came a man with his cock in his hand
he said what do you think? she said i think you stink
then she spit in his eye, said bye-bye, and pushed him in the drink
then she went to the pay shower and pumped quarters for an hour
even though she made it she still felt violated
wrapped the soap on a rope around her throat
said dear god i really hope you'll let me into heaven
'cause i'm only eleven and i've got nowhere to go
what goes around don't come around not in this town
a subway sandwich shop goes up and the roller rink closed down
and the kids all pray that they'll either get away
or get a job like chad in dad's meth lab and become rich one day
little david was learning to skate, practiced every single day
kept falling and falling and falling but he finally learned to ollie
he wondered who he'd tell, thought he would tell mel,
but mel and all his other friends were in the county jail
which is where i sent the letter that said things are gonna get better
he said you've got it all wrong, why'd you write this stupid song?
i said 'cause you're in my head even if you want me dead
just because i said exactly what i meant doesn't mean i meant what i said
what goes around don't come around not in this town
you don't need karmic retribution if you've got good ammunition
and mama always prayed that someday she'd get laid
by some dumb fuck with a pickup truck and really good cocaine
please do me a favor when you go to penny saver
get a half-rack of lucky for the girls,
two roast beef mighty bites, a pack of old gold lights,
and meet us at the end of the world
i'll be standing on the cliff with the sunset in my eyes
i'll be too insignificant to feel the need to lie
i wonder if this climbing that you city people do
ever leads you to a place with such a pretty view
what if what goes around is just a naked crying clown
and the clouds split down the middle and a mighty hand comes down
and we think that we are saved but the hand is made of clay
and my tears make messy make up streaks all over my face
what goes around don't come around not in this town
seven walls go up for every one wall that comes down
and the old ladies pray they'll be young again someday
do your job you dirty slob or nobody gets paid
nobody gets laid
nobody gets saved
do your job you dirty slob or nobody gets paid
Franka H. 10/04/2003 0:08
das ist ja ein nettes Profilbild. ;-) Dachte erst deine Galerie sei auch so überschaubar wie meine - hab nur nicht weit genig gescrollt...Ronnie Koska 09/04/2003 16:05
JoJo,da sach ich nix meeehr, weil der wein isss so feiiiiin und ich sinnnge liiiedeeer iiimmmer wiieder.
Du bist´n feiner marburcher, bis du jawoll
Ina Hesmer 09/04/2003 0:27
Scheisse, machst du geile Bilder. Sag mir das doch mal einer früher.gruesse etc, Ina
Jo Weiß 08/04/2003 2:05
unn wieder wech,
so fröhlich iss hier nich scheinbaa ...
da häng ich doch lieba woanners ab...
Jo Weiß 08/04/2003 1:13
nur wieder nen büschen frööölischer,
unn aussertem iss tas pild älter ...
Calis Ben Ulke 07/04/2003 22:39
na sowas....der blumenkohl uffm kopp is weg....wirst jetzt konservativ? ;)