Dear Klaudia ,
How are you? Hope everything is fine at your end.
For sometime I do not hear anything from you. Have you recently uploaded any of your fantastic works ?
I adore them very much.
Would you please help me to take similar picture. I would be exteremely happy if you kindly tell me how to take that kind of picture.
With best wishes and love
Thank you very much for your warm comment.
In fact,I have taken the original idea for this photo from a photo that I saw afew months ago.
Ludek Sagi Lukac 13/04/2008 11:04
dakujem :-)jasne ze sa chcem ucit, ved je od koho ;-)
Sagi :-)
Canan Oner 13/04/2008 9:53
Thanks a lot Klaudia...Have a nice Sunday..
Ludek Sagi Lukac 12/04/2008 16:03
dakujeeem :-)Sagi :-)
Cyril C. 12/04/2008 13:18
ahoj,vdaka za navstevu a mily koment.
ku tvojim fotkam len tolko: uchvatne!!! - nadherne dymove kreacie!
srdecny pozdrav,
Ludek Sagi Lukac 09/04/2008 17:11
dakujem Klaudia :-)Sagi :-)
FABRIZIO DI PALMA 09/04/2008 9:17
Onorato del tuo commento. Grazie, Fabrizio DI PALMA.Jacqueline Chay 06/04/2008 15:18
Thank you Klaudia -Regards from Australia
Ludek Sagi Lukac 30/03/2008 12:36
ahoj Klaudia :-) dik za komenty :-)pozdravujem
Sagi :-)
SANTANU GHOSH 03/03/2008 7:56
Dear Klaudia ,How are you? Hope everything is fine at your end.
For sometime I do not hear anything from you. Have you recently uploaded any of your fantastic works ?
I adore them very much.
Would you please help me to take similar picture. I would be exteremely happy if you kindly tell me how to take that kind of picture.
With best wishes and love
Ludek Sagi Lukac 02/03/2008 11:03
:-)Sagi :-)
Ludek Sagi Lukac 26/02/2008 19:45
dakujem Klaudia :-)Sagi :-)
aw masry 26/02/2008 13:00
Hi FriendThanks for your kind response in this image. Really much appreciated.
Best regards – aw masry
mojgan soghrati 23/02/2008 19:38
Thank you very much for your warm comment.In fact,I have taken the original idea for this photo from a photo that I saw afew months ago.
Ludek Sagi Lukac 20/02/2008 19:59
dík , dík :-)Sagi :-)
Mª Teresa Pascual 14/02/2008 0:07
Muchas gracias.Mª Teresa Pascual