Yesterday you sent me a message that you like to show my pictures on your web side. Today I've been on your side but unfortunately I couldn't read anything ?
What is the theme of your web side ? Do you sell something ?
Please let me know. Best regards
Rebecka Strandberg 18/07/2008 22:40
No, You cannot use my pictures sorry. And I hope you respect that, there are those who don't./rs
Schellenberg Ralf 18/07/2008 18:23
Yesterday you sent me a message that you like to show my pictures on your web side. Today I've been on your side but unfortunately I couldn't read anything ?What is the theme of your web side ? Do you sell something ?
Please let me know. Best regards
Richie78 18/07/2008 8:55
This is OKAY !Richie78 17/07/2008 21:43
which pictures?