Max Giorgetta 05/04/2011 8:52
Thank you for comment. Hi MaxRaheleh Rashidian 04/04/2011 21:31
your gallery is Wonderful...Raheleh Rashidian 04/04/2011 21:08
Thanks for visit and very nice comments...Max Giorgetta 29/03/2011 10:47
Grazie molte e ciaoAndrea Lattuca 18/03/2011 22:22
Grazie amico mio.
Max Giorgetta 18/03/2011 22:05
thanks for comment.Hi Maxvittorio L 16/03/2011 22:12
Thank you very much for your visit and your nice comment !!!Ciao Vittorio
Max Giorgetta 12/03/2011 8:46
Grazie molte Majid. ciao.Max Giorgetta 08/03/2011 16:24
Thank you for comment. ciaoSusana Miguel 08/03/2011 15:59
Hello Majid:
Thanks for visiting, as well as for your comment. It is not only something LIKE a painting, it is a painting, a photo of my painting.
Best regards,
Max Ruckman 07/03/2011 0:53
Thank you for your nice comments!Giordano Cavedoni 06/03/2011 20:24
Grazie Majid !Un saluto...
vittorio L 04/03/2011 23:08
Thank you for your visit !!!!Ciao Vittorio
Jigora Man 04/03/2011 19:23
Thanks Majid! Have a nice weekend! OlgaDigitalimage 01/03/2011 20:55
Hi MajidThank you for your kind comments