Alfredo Ricardo 13/09/2013 20:07
Thank you very much for your comment...GianniQuerini 29/07/2013 21:04
Thanks joerg, I visited your gallery very beautiful congratulationsCiao Gianni
vospie 23/07/2013 21:05
Hey Joerg, thanks for you comment.luigi riberi 22/07/2013 11:54
tank you :) byemario ridenti 18/06/2013 22:38
Grazie Joerg.Ciao
ev@w. 18/06/2013 19:09
hey joerg,tak for jeres hyggelig kommentarer!! smukke hilsner
Anna Kalverkamp 03/06/2013 18:51
Hi Joerg, thank you for your comment.. I am very happy :) Greetings, Annavospie 03/06/2013 0:54
Hallo Joerg, ich bedanke mich für deine Anmerkung zu meinem Bild. Bin und bleibe ein Fan von deinen Fotos. LG Volkertragaluz- 02/06/2013 23:42
Thank you very much for your comment. Regardluigi riberi 02/06/2013 21:01
tank you :)bye bye louis
Herzach 02/06/2013 20:35
Thank you very much, its my grandma on her 95 bithday.MT Photo 02/06/2013 20:11
Thank you for your Comment on my Picture.Regards Mischa
rocco di ciommo 02/06/2013 18:39
grazie mille,ciao !
howasparty 15/05/2013 1:29
Thanks for your comment on "Fenster zum Hof"Bilderweiher 03/05/2013 20:50
thanks for the comment and greetings from Berlin