Christian Bertero 23/03/2010 19:32
Thank you my friend.
Sollyl 22/03/2010 22:35
Efxaristo poli pou proseksate tin photografia mou kai gia to thetiko sxolioFilika
saleh alkadri 07/03/2010 21:33
thank u for yoiur commentssaleh
Sollyl 27/02/2010 15:59
Un grand merci pour le passage et pour votre jentil commentaireCarien Leeuwen van 17/02/2010 16:55
thank you for your comment! I like your style of shooting a lot! thanks, carien- Edith Vogel 16/02/2010 22:49
DANKE für deine nette Anmerkungzu meinem Foto!
Ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut!
Stephen Patrick 16/02/2010 22:48
HiThnks for your kind comment, have fun out and about, images are everywhere its capturing that special moment, that makes it all worth while
cosmosgirl 16/02/2010 18:15
Thank you :-)A big "hello again" to Greece. Claudia
Sollyl 16/02/2010 13:10
Efxaristo poliDomenico Cosenza 16/02/2010 5:41
Grazie di cuore per il commento e l'attenzione. Ciao, DomenicoElodie Mosley 15/02/2010 0:16
thank you for your comment on my photo :)Florian Clarén 13/02/2010 17:24
thanks a lot..!!michele egidi 08/02/2010 9:50
thank you!m.
Jan Oliver Koch 06/02/2010 19:27
Hi Faddush, thanks ( again :o) ) - very much appreciated !!Kind Regards, JOK
Tim Corbeel 05/01/2010 19:11
Hi Faddoush,Thanks you so much for taking the time to look and comment my photos.
Very much appreciated!