Thank you for all your very kind feeedback on my stuff!!
I'm just getting into a new facet of photojournalism - the night street. I live in a relatively small town, and there are plenty of images around to catch. As you know by now, I have a weird eye for subject matter, and i hope to exercise that as soon as the weather gets a little better - and warmer. In these days of heightened security (and paranoia), I might encounter a problem if someone spots a guy wandering around taking pictures of seemingly innocent surroundings. I'll just have to wait and see what happens! You'll know what happens by checking my latest submissions!
Peter, hi!
I was quite excited to find out that there are photographers out there who are still shooting with photogear coming from the past days, when image companies had no problem at all to invent and produce amazing technologic pieces.
I also use, from time to time, an Olympus C-5050z (a legend), when I wanna go shooting lightweight (as my dSLR with fast lenses attached on can be tons much heavier).
Thanx anyway for replying back.
Silvana W. 05/02/2012 1:13
Thank you very much,Péter ¡¡
Have a nice sunday ¡
Andrey Merschiy 02/02/2012 14:14
can you smell the fog?
Andrey MerschiyThank you very much for your comment, Peter!
sakary 01/02/2012 14:00
thanks for your commentmatin 01/02/2012 11:18
thanke you for your commentilona enz 29/01/2012 22:56
Köszönöm Péter kedves megjegyzésed, amit csak most fedeztem fel! sorry..Üdv. Ilona
Parlament-Frontal Budapest
ilona enzElvina Benoist-Audiau 29/01/2012 22:27
Sacs de café et bouteilles de rhum
Elvina Benoist-AudiauMerci Péter - jól beszélsz franciaul !! üdv. Elvi
Silvana W. 23/01/2012 12:18
Thank you very much for your nice comment ¡¡
Best wishes
Ildiko Toth 15/01/2012 21:52
Thank U Peter!Greetings! Ildiko
Just a moment
Ildiko TothDave Keen 13/01/2012 16:22
Thank you for all your very kind feeedback on my stuff!!I'm just getting into a new facet of photojournalism - the night street. I live in a relatively small town, and there are plenty of images around to catch. As you know by now, I have a weird eye for subject matter, and i hope to exercise that as soon as the weather gets a little better - and warmer. In these days of heightened security (and paranoia), I might encounter a problem if someone spots a guy wandering around taking pictures of seemingly innocent surroundings. I'll just have to wait and see what happens! You'll know what happens by checking my latest submissions!
Dave Keen 11/01/2012 19:49
Thank you, Peter! I'm a firm believer in natural light whenever possible! I love your work! We have much the same eye.anna.s. 08/01/2012 14:11
thank you so much for your comments.its a pleasure to read, anna
Enne See 05/01/2012 23:22
Peter, hi!I was quite excited to find out that there are photographers out there who are still shooting with photogear coming from the past days, when image companies had no problem at all to invent and produce amazing technologic pieces.
I also use, from time to time, an Olympus C-5050z (a legend), when I wanna go shooting lightweight (as my dSLR with fast lenses attached on can be tons much heavier).
Thanx anyway for replying back.
Enne See
Vera M. Shulga 30/12/2011 16:00
Thanks for your comment, Péter.Unfortunately, this beautiful bridge is gone. His dismantled for scrap.not enter
Vera M. ShulgaBirgit Noack 29/12/2011 22:55
Thank you for your kind comment.two
Birgit NoackBest wishes, Birgit
Silvana W. 25/12/2011 19:16
Yep ¡ Thank you very much,Péter ¡
Best wishes