You said past is past as if you were dismissing who you were and I meant that because of who you were and your experiences is what has made you are today. It was meant as a compliment.
dankeschön für Lob und Komentare zu meinen Bildern.
Schön das du auf meiner Seite wars und Dir meine Arbeiten gefallen.
Wo findest Du nur diese bezauberden Grafittis?
Wäre für mich ne tolle Lokalisation zum Shooten...
LG Jürgen
jpix 10/10/2021 10:10
Schönen Dank für Deinen Kommentar zu meinem...Gruß Jens
Maud Morell 24/12/2020 11:28
Dear Christopher,I wish you a nice Christmas feeling.
Greetings from me, Maud
gabriela13 03/11/2020 18:47
Vielen Dank !Life thru A lens 27/08/2020 16:29
Thank you for your nice comments :)Have a good day
Ciao Ornella
James Bibo 21/08/2020 16:53
thanks for the praiseGreets James
Christa Daum 11/08/2020 21:33
Dear xy i say thank you for visit my profile and the many comments about my Images! Send greetings from Germany, Christa TAKE Care!Andreas Hahn 10/08/2020 15:07
Danke für dein Lob zu einigen meiner Fotos.J Oscar Sierra Echo 20/04/2020 10:50
Flattered by visits and comments, very much appreciated.Best wishes, stay@home.
DiverRyan 04/04/2020 19:10
You said past is past as if you were dismissing who you were and I meant that because of who you were and your experiences is what has made you are today. It was meant as a compliment.redfox-dream-art-photography 04/04/2020 19:06
Philosophy: You said our past is how be became our future....? How do you mean that?hugs, redfox
redfox-dream-art-photography 04/04/2020 17:55
Thanks for liking the young redfox. I don't care about it but you couldn't know.Past is past. Now is now. Future is future.
hugs, redfox
PaparazziAndMore 29/03/2020 11:36
Thank you for your positive commentBest regards
My-Fotoparty 29/02/2020 19:47
Hi,dankeschön für Lob und Komentare zu meinen Bildern.
Schön das du auf meiner Seite wars und Dir meine Arbeiten gefallen.
Wo findest Du nur diese bezauberden Grafittis?
Wäre für mich ne tolle Lokalisation zum Shooten...
LG Jürgen
Rina81 25/02/2020 9:11
Thank you for your comments and likes... Rinaredfox-dream-art-photography 01/01/2020 22:18
Happy new year, my dear friend!!!!!!!hugs, redfox