weggi 22/01/2010 12:09
thanks a lot dear maria joao!greetings, weggi
C.M.K 22/01/2010 11:52
My dear Maria João Arcanjo,thank you very much for your nice Comment.... your Pictures are great..... all of them ,,,, hope to see from you more,,,, best regards from Frankfurt.
Giorgio Bisetti 22/01/2010 10:56
Ciao Maria grazie- Edith Vogel 21/01/2010 19:49
DANKE für deine nette Anmerkung zu meinem Foto!Habe mich sehr darüber gefreut, das es Dir gefällt!
Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 21/01/2010 17:44
Grazie mille di cuore Amica Maria, per tuoi bellissimi commenti, ti auguro tanto e un carissimo saluto cordiale...beijinhos...Emirfulvia menghi 20/01/2010 21:25
grazie Maria :-))Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 20/01/2010 10:47
Ciao Maria, tante grazie di cuore del tuoi commenti, tante belle cose...beijinhos...EmirEmanuele Rizzo 19/01/2010 23:53
Grazie mille per il commento e per aver apprezzato il mio lavoro!Lele
anna.s. 19/01/2010 20:58
du machst ungeheuer eindrückliche fotos...
ein klarer fall für orange
best wishes, anna
Ana Vera 19/01/2010 19:24
Your portraits make me feel .... ThanksParaschiv Vasile 19/01/2010 15:45
Obrigado Maria Joao !
Best regards, Vasile.
P.S. Your portraits are amazing !
Nick Topouzelis 17/01/2010 19:12
Thank you very much for the comment and congratulation for your very interesting collection!Best wishes
Hans-Reiner Bohn 17/01/2010 10:54
a double BJ
Tad Kanazaki 14/01/2010 2:07
Thank you very much for your visit and nice comment.Bw Tad.
Brian Vasilik 13/01/2010 19:56
Nice meeting you too. Beautiful portraits!