Bonjour David,
malhereusement mon francais est tres simple, so I better talk english.
I realy like your work and wonder what 3D-programms you use? Is it only bryce ?
I only tried bryce once with no success, so I used
Cinema4D and like it very much.
Hello David,
thank you for sharing this phantastic (and in this case it exactly is the right word to use in context with your Work) pictures. I am looking forward to get some more of this.
Take Care
Kati K. 19/01/2006 19:06
hallo,bin so eben auf deine seite gestossen und muß sagen deine fotomontagen sind echt klasse, bin fasziniert
lg kati ;o)
Marco Benken 19/08/2005 17:26
Hallo ! Deine arbeiten sind echt ganz große klasse ! wollte auf diesem wege einfach mal grüße da lassen ;) *kritzel*Gruß marco
Bernadette Lyuba Szabo 14/06/2005 18:18
bonjour davidtu fais des belles images
mes compliments
Rilo Naumann 07/04/2005 16:43
Bonjour David,malhereusement mon francais est tres simple, so I better talk english.
I realy like your work and wonder what 3D-programms you use? Is it only bryce ?
I only tried bryce once with no success, so I used
Cinema4D and like it very much.
Best regards,
Ben Goossens 09/12/2004 12:33
Hi David,quelle maîtrise du 3D.. vous ëtes un vrai artiste la dedans.
Je vous met en orange.
Regards, Ben
Micha Schattentanz 23/11/2004 18:01
Hello David,thank you for sharing this phantastic (and in this case it exactly is the right word to use in context with your Work) pictures. I am looking forward to get some more of this.
Take Care
Ursin Wieneke jun. 29/09/2004 22:18
Also the other pictures, realy great !!!Best regards
Karl Peisker 25/07/2004 18:31
Je devais me faire traduire le texte parce que je ne comprends pas le francais.Merci beaucoup.
Strange Illusions 14/07/2004 19:21
Merci beaucoup pour tes remarques.cybertorte 12/07/2004 21:02
hallo & herzlich willkommen in der fc!gute 2d bilder zum einstieg - mach weiter so!
(auch) david