Hai Kenny!
Zdravstvujte, Kenny! Bol'shoe spasibo za takoj chudnyj i interesnyj otzyv! Ochen' rada, chto foto ponravilos'!
Na etom sajte ja, v osnovnom, na nemetskoj versii: http://www.fotocommunity.de/pc/pc/mypics/660170
Priglashaju, zahodite; budu rada! :)
Vsego Vam dobrogo!
Thanks for your comment.
The nature reserve people count the birds so they know how many stay and how many go to Egypt. they also put signs on the legs of some.
I like your street scenes photos. they are very interesting. I wait to see more of them.
Ralph Carmody 10/02/2006 3:51
thank for the comment on photo melh .Ronald Koster 05/02/2006 11:56
Kenny,Thanx for your comment on my photo "HORIZON" .. .. ..
Elena D 01/02/2006 9:34
Hai Kenny!Zdravstvujte, Kenny! Bol'shoe spasibo za takoj chudnyj i interesnyj otzyv! Ochen' rada, chto foto ponravilos'!
Na etom sajte ja, v osnovnom, na nemetskoj versii:
Priglashaju, zahodite; budu rada! :)
Vsego Vam dobrogo!
Gyula Cséfalvay 30/01/2006 22:31
Thank you for your nice comments!Regards,
Hartmut Bergner 21/12/2005 11:24
Hi,thank you for your comment
the english version of legend i have sent by mail
Greeting from germany
Esti Eini 14/12/2005 14:02
Thanks for your comment.I would liike to hear your guess about who feeds the cats and crows.
Szilvia Neuhauser 13/12/2005 22:38
Thanks for ur comment!Greetings from Hungary....szia!
Esti Eini 06/12/2005 9:00
Thanks for your comment.The nature reserve people count the birds so they know how many stay and how many go to Egypt. they also put signs on the legs of some.
I like your street scenes photos. they are very interesting. I wait to see more of them.
Hechelmar Hlomorka 20/11/2005 9:38
Thanks for your comment.Robert Riley 15/11/2005 8:12
Thankyou for your comment Jazz. I like your pictures and explanations.snegnij barsik 03/11/2005 20:59
there is in spain, fugueros.this is museum slavador dali und ´this is one fron his work:-)Wilhelm Harlander 24/10/2005 21:57
....... the picture only for you..........................*gg*
German Version:
Wilhelm Harlander 23/10/2005 23:47
Servus Kenny ,
..........viele Grüße aus Old Germany - Munich City.
Don Watts 19/10/2005 17:23
Thanks for the comment. On "Old Factory" Did not even consider it but I see what you mean and agree. Thanks taking the time to observe.Ina Chira 12/10/2005 13:24
Hi! Thanks for your comment and sugestion! Saty close for ather images! :-)