Loan Heskiel 16/04/2010 10:34
Hatur Nuhun koment na Kang,, :)My Best Friend in the Ray Of Light
Loan HeskielJoey Herman 06/09/2006 16:56
punteun...bade numpang koment atuh euy.......
ketemu oge didieu...
Emotional Life Photography 06/07/2006 21:45
greets from germany :-)isa :-)
Idil Dizdar 22/01/2006 23:52
you very much Ryca: )Sergio Pessolano 04/01/2006 14:05
Hi Ryca,Thank you for your appreciation about my work.
Have a great new year.
Istvan Stefan 02/01/2006 14:32
Ryca,Bonne Année et bonnes photos!
Sinan Ariktekin 30/12/2005 0:58
Thanks for sharing your fotos and valuable comments.Wish you a happy new year.
Sergio Pessolano 27/12/2005 20:26
Hi Ryca,Thank you for taking time to comment my photo "Morning Prayer". I really enjoy your comment.
Sinan Ariktekin 23/12/2005 20:49
Ryca, thank you so much for visiting and your comment about my photo named "TREE ON THE WATER"Best regards,
Senem G 10/11/2005 12:15
Hi RyCa... ThaNk you foR yoUr CommeNt on my piCtuRe "SeCReT" .... GreetiNgs.. :)SeNeM
Rarindra Prakarsa 07/11/2005 13:52
Neng Ryca...ngapain tuh jongkok di gunung.
bernd böhm 29/10/2005 19:19
Hi Ryca,Show us more!
Wellcome to the fc, best regards from Germany
Steffi Gensch 08/08/2005 21:38
Hey,thanks for your nice comment. I really like your photos,
I'm looking forward to seeing some more pictures
regards, steffi
nobody_is_perfect 19/07/2005 2:59
Danke für deine Anmerkung zu:Viele Grüße
Robert L. Roux 30/06/2005 14:06
Excellent fotos!Greetings from Canada - R